Fuel efficiency is a top priority for many drivers, but do you know how to achieve it? Keep reading this post by Cam Synthetics in Concord, NC, for some tips on how to save up on fuel.

As gas prices keep climbing, drivers need to save as much as possible on fuel. That’s why many drivers look for ways to make the most of the gas they put into their vehicles. That being said, saving up on fuel doesn’t only mean good things for your pocket. Still, it also helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions, increase your car’s lifespan, and helps your engine’s performance. Keep reading for everything you need to know about fuel efficiency.

Improve Your Driving

One of the first steps when trying to reduce fuel consumption is to improve your driving habits. Things like stepping on the accelerator, speeding, and braking can strain your transmission system and cause it to work harder and burn through more fuel. By driving at the speed limit, using your car’s cruise control, and keeping a constant speed, you can help your engine’s fuel efficiency and avoid wasting fuel on your daily commute.

Keep your engine in good shape for better fuel economy. High-quality products like AMSOIL's Signature Series 0W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil will help it run better for longer. Call Cam Synthetics at (704) 791-6900 for more information on the best products for your engine. To place your order, visit AMSOIL’s online shop anytime!

Have a Reliable Maintenance Routine

Improving your driving is a significant first step to saving gas, but another essential thing is to have a reliable maintenance routine. Your vehicle is a complex machine, and when all its components are working correctly, it’s easier for it to work at the best of its performance. On the other hand, if one of those components is faulty or needs maintenance, you’ll find yourself with a less reliable vehicle. Here are three essential parts of your engine’s maintenance that will help with fuel efficiency.

Basic Engine Maintenance

As mentioned above, vehicle maintenance is essential for better fuel economy. Some components like your system’s oxygen sensor and engine air filter are crucial. Suppose it’s been a while since you last took your car in for maintenance. In that case, it’s essential to schedule a visit to the mechanic sooner rather than later to improve your car’s overall performance and ensure you’ll meet your fuel efficiency goals.

Perform an Oil Change

Another essential part of your engine’s performance is having clean oil. Oil works as your engine’s lubricant and prevents premature wear and tear of its components. Having clean oil will also ensure your engine runs smoothly for longer.

Check Your Tires

When talking about fuel efficiency, many drivers forget to check their tires regularly when tires are an essential part of your vehicle’s performance. Tires that aren’t at the correct air pressure can cause strain on your car and can also cause the treads on your tire to wear out prematurely and decrease traction, which can make your vehicle work harder and burn through more fuel than is necessary.

You can prolong your engine’s lifecycle and performance with the right products. Call Cam Synthetics at (704) 791-6900 and speak to one of their oil pros for more information on the best products for your engine, or visit AMSOIL’s online shop to see their full range of products.

Consider Less Short Distance Trips

It might be faster and more comfortable to get in your car for a trip to the store down the street, but this could cause premature engine wear. Because of how engines work, it takes more than a couple of miles to reach optimal working conditions; that’s why going on short trips ends up using up much more gas than a longer one and is less sustainable than other options like walking or biking.

Lighten Your Vehicle’s Load

Last but not least, lightening your vehicle’s load can also help you improve your fuel efficiency. Nowadays, cars are designed and manufactured to be as lightweight as possible and reach their efficiency goals. But your car's fuel efficiency will drop significantly by constantly carrying around things like equipment, fitness gear, or any other heavy objects. Even though a trip to the grocery store might not affect your fuel efficiency goals, constantly carrying around heavy loads will have an impact in the long run. That’s why it’s a good idea to continually declutter it to avoid carrying around objects you don’t need.

Having better fuel efficiency is achievable with the help of excellent products. Find them at AMSOIL’s online shop or by calling Cam Synthetics at (704) 791-6900 today.